Weathering with You statuette PVC Pop Up Parade Hodaka Morishima 12 cm - Weathering with you, Good Smile Company

Description du produit:

Statuette en PVC, taille env. 12 cm avec socle, en emballage boîte-fenêtre.

Weathering with You statuette PVC Pop Up Parade Hodaka Morishima 12 cm [4580416943772]

Informations sur les personnages:

Hodaka Morishima is a first-year high school student who lives in a detached island located in Japan. Growing bored with his lifestyle in the remote area of his native village, he decides to move to Tokyo. However, he finds himself living his life as a NEET against the high living cost in Tokyo, and soon becomes broke and falls into isolation, also known as "hikikomori (引きこもり)." However, he finally manages to get a job as a writer in a shady & small Monthly Paranormal Occult Editorial.

After becoming a journalist, Hodaka is sent in a task to investigate the irregular weather in Japan. One day, in a corner of the crowded and busy Tokyo metropolitan, Hodaka meets a young bright and strong-willed girl named Hina Amano, who can manipulate the weather through her prayer, and then begins exploring the undiscovered truth of the world with her.

Informations sur les personnages fournies par MyAnimeList
En stock


Date de livraison prévue: 02-06-2024


Figurines d'anime


Weathering with you


Good Smile Company


Hodaka Morishima






12 cm




En stock chez le fournisseur5.

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[1] Les colis sont expédiés au niveau de la commande. La combinaison d'un colis boîte aux lettres et d'un colis dans le panier sera naturellement envoyée comme un seul colis.

[5] Le produit est en stock chez notre fournisseur. Nous le scannons automatiquement et régulièrement, il peut donc être considéré comme étant en stock. Seul le délai de livraison est légèrement plus long.